Implement a function flatten
that returns a newly-created array with all sub-array elements concatenated recursively into a single level.
// Single-level arrays are unaffected.flatten([1, 2, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]// Inner arrays are flattened into a single level.flatten([1, [2, 3]]); // [1, 2, 3]flatten([[1, 2],[3, 4],]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]// Flattens recursively.flatten([1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Implement a function flatten
that returns a newly-created array with all sub-array elements concatenated recursively into a single level.
// Single-level arrays are unaffected.flatten([1, 2, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]// Inner arrays are flattened into a single level.flatten([1, [2, 3]]); // [1, 2, 3]flatten([[1, 2],[3, 4],]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]// Flattens recursively.flatten([1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This is a common JavaScript interview question. It tests one's knowledge about checking for the array type, looping through an array, various native methods such as Array.prototype.concat
, and recursion.
First let's think through how we should check if a given value is an array or not. We can use Array.isArray
or instanceof Array
to achieve that. There are some nuances between these two. If you are interested you can check out this article by Jake Archibald.
Then, we don't want to mutate the original input array, which is a good practice in general, so we will make a copy of the input array and return a new array with all the items extracted from the input array.
Here is the solution. We loop through the array with a while loop and we take out an item from the array one at a time to check to see if that item is an array. If the item is not an array, we put it into the res
array. If it is an array, we use a spread operator ...
to get all the items out of it and put them back to the array.
type ArrayValue = any | Array<ArrayValue>;export default function flatten(value: Array<ArrayValue>): Array<any> {const res = [];const copy = value.slice();while (copy.length) {const item = copy.shift();if (Array.isArray(item)) {copy.unshift(...item);} else {res.push(item);}}return res;}
A more concise approach, compared to the previous one, is to use Array.prototype.some
type ArrayValue = any | Array<ArrayValue>;export default function flatten(value: Array<ArrayValue>): Array<any> {while (value.some(Array.isArray)) {value = [].concat(...value);}return value;}
A recursion approach fits well here given the recursive and nesting nature of this question. And it will simplify our code a lot.
/*** @param {Array<*|Array>} value* @return {Array}*/export default function flatten(value) {return value.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(Array.isArray(curr) ? flatten(curr) : curr),[],);}
Although a recursive approach always has the risk overflowing the call stack, as of this writing, in chrome, the number of recursive calls you can make is around 10 thousands and in Firefox it is 50 thousands, so this shouldn't be a problem in practice. However, when the cost of recursion becomes a concern, we can use a generator to lazily extract the flattened items from the array. We will see that solution later.
All the solutions we have seen so far are returning a new flattened array without mutating the original input array. Again, this is normally what you want.
However, the interviewer might ask you to implement an in-place solution that doesn't allocate extra memory. That is, a solution with a constant O(1)
space complexity.
In this case, you will need to leverage array methods that mutate. There are 9 methods in total that mutate arrays: pop
, push
, reverse
, shift
, sort
, splice
, unshift
, copyWithin
and fill
Here is one possible solution that uses splice
to mutate the input array:
type ArrayValue = any | Array<ArrayValue>;export default function flatten(value: Array<ArrayValue>): Array<any> {for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ) {if (Array.isArray(value[i])) {value.splice(i, 1, ...value[i]);} else {i++;}}return value;}
The flatMap
function method returns a new array formed by applying a given callback function to each element of the array, and then flattening the result by one level. By calling it recursively, we can flatten the entire array until it is only one level deep.
type ArrayValue = any | Array<ArrayValue>;export default function flatten(value: Array<ArrayValue>): Array<any> {return Array.isArray(value) ? value.flatMap((item) => flatten(item)) : value;}
As we have discussed earlier, if the array has a thousands-of-levels nesting, a recursive approach might cause a stack overflow. We can utilize generators to yield array item individually. As generators are lazy in nature, this wouldn't have as big of an upfront cost as our recursive approach does.
/*** @param {Array<*|Array>} value* @return {Array}*/export default function* flatten(value: Array<any>): Array<any> {for (const item of value) {if (Array.isArray(item)) {yield* flatten(item);} else {yield item;}}}
The following solutions only work under certain circumstances so they should not be used during interviews.
Here is a solution that might be considered unorthodox: we first encode the array into a JSON string via JSON.stringify
, and filter out brackets using regex /(\[|\])/g
, and we decode it back to an array using JSON.parse
. Because all the brackets are stripped off with the regex, we end up with an array with only one level of depth.
type ArrayValue = any | Array<ArrayValue>;export default function flatten(value: Array<ArrayValue>): Array<any> {return JSON.parse('[' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/(\[|\])/g, '') + ']');}
when the array contains only numbersRecall that we asked about the data types as one of the clarification questions? If the array contains only numbers, here is a very simple solution:
function flattenOnlyNumbers(array) {return array.toString().split(',').map((numStr) => Number(numStr));}
Note that this only applies when the array only contains numbers, and this usage of toString
might be thought of as "obscure".
There is a new flat
array method added recently to the JavaScript language. Obviously you cannot use this during interviews but it's still good to know that a native flatten function is available in the language.
export default function flatten(arr) {return arr.flat(Infinity);}
aparecerão aqui.