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Image Carousel Solution

Ex-Meta Staff Engineer


The solution can be broken down into two parts:

  1. Rendering: Layout and positioning of buttons
  2. State management: State design and state changes


The image carousel layout consists of 3 parts:

1. Image carousel container

The root of the image carousel will be the element responsible for the overall dimensions and containing the displayed image and button elements. Since the height is fixed, we can set height: 400px on the root element. However, the width is fluid and on screens smaller than 600px, it should shrink to fit within the screen. For this behavior, we can use the CSS min function (e.g. min(600px, 100vw)).

2. Displayed image

The image can be rendered using normal <img> tags and object-fit: contain, which resizes the image to fit the available space of 600px x 400px while maintaining the innate aspect ratio of the image.

3. Navigation buttons

The various buttons are positioned at fixed locations within the image carousel. This is achieved through adding position: relative on the root element of the image carousel and position: absolute to the button elements.

To vertically center the prev/next buttons, use a combination of top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%). top: 50% positions the element to have a vertical offset of 50% of the container element, and translateY(-50%) will shift the element up by half of the element's height. The pages buttons are horizontally-centered and can be done in a similar fashion.


The minimal state needed for an image carousel is the current image index. Only one state value is needed.

State changes

  • Next button: Increment the currIndex by one.
  • Prev button: Decrement the currIndex by one.
  • Page button: Directly set the currIndex to the page number.

To enable the cycling behavior, we need to make sure that the currIndex is always between 0 and images.length - 1. We can achieve this by adding images.length to any value, and using the modulo operator (%).

Test Cases

  1. Functionality:
    • Verify that the carousel displays the first image from the provided array upon initial load.
    • Prev/next buttons
      • Clicking the right button moves to the next image.
      • Clicking the left button moves to the previous image.
    • Page buttons
      • Clicking on the page button displays the respective image.
    • Cycling behavior:
      • Clicking the right button on the last image should display the first image.
      • Clicking the left button on the first image should display the last image
    • Ensure all images in the array are accessible through navigation
  2. Display and sizing:
    • Verify the carousel is centered on the screen
    • Check that the maximum size of the carousel is 600px by 400px
    • Ensure images are fully visible within the carousel
    • Confirm that images maintain their aspect ratio when resized
    • Verify that empty parts of the carousel are filled with black

Accessibility (A11y)

  • All images should have alt text that describes the image to support accessibility. It will be read out loud by screen readers and is also used by search engines.
  • Add appropriate aria-labels to the buttons since the buttons do not have visible labels.
  • [Not implemented]: Add a screen-reader-only element with the aria-live="polite" attribute and alt text of the new image as contents. This instructs screen readers to announce that a new image is displayed.