Meeting Calendar


Given an array of meeting time intervals where each element represents a meeting time as [start, end], determine whether a person can attend all the meetings without any overlap between meeting times.


  • A 2D array of integers intervals of size n x 2, where n is the number of meetings and each interval [start, end] represents a meeting starting at time start and ending at time end


Input: intervals = [[83,99]]
Output: true
Explanation: There is only one meeting, so there is no possibility of overlap.
Input: intervals = [[1,5],[5,10],[10,15]]
Output: true
Explanation: The meetings are back-to-back but do not overlap.
Input: intervals = [[8,10],[1,3],[2,6],[15,18]]
Output: false
Explanation: The meetings [1, 3] and [2, 6] overlap, so it is not possible to attend all meetings.


  • 0 <= intervals.length <= 1000
  • intervals[i].length == 2
  • 0 <= start < end <= 1,000,000