
Ex-Meta Staff Engineer

Implement a queue data structure in JavaScript that contains the following operations:

  • new Queue(): Creates an instance of a Queue class that doesn't contain any items. The constructor does not accept any arguments.
  • enqueue(): Adds an item to the back of the queue. Required time complexity: O(1).
  • dequeue(): Removes an item from the front of the queue. Required time complexity: O(1).
  • isEmpty(): Determines if the queue is empty. Required time complexity: O(1).
  • front(): Returns the item at the front of the queue without removing it from the queue. Required time complexity: O(1).
  • back(): Returns the item at the back of the queue without removing it from the queue. Required time complexity: O(1).
  • length(): Returns the number of items in the queue. Required time complexity: O(1).


const queue = new Queue();
queue.isEmpty(); // true
queue.length(); // 2
queue.front(); // 1
queue.back(); // 3
queue.dequeue(); // 1
queue.isEmpty(); // false