Word Finder


Implement WordFinder class that allows for adding words and searching for them. It has the following methods:

  • addWord(word: string): Adds a word to the data structure
  • search(query: string): Checks if any added word matches the given word. The query can include dots ., which can match any letter


The WordFinder instance will have its methods called with various parameters based on these:

  • methods: string[]: An array of method names
  • params: string[]: An array of strings

methods[i] will be called with params[i].


Input: methods = ["addWord","addWord","search","addWord","search","search","search"], params = ["car","cat","c.r","dog","d.g","cat","c.."]
Output: [null,null,true,null,true,true,true]
Explanation: Words 'car' and 'cat' are added, 'c.r' matches 'car', 'dog' and 'd.g' match, 'c..' matches both 'car' and 'cat'.
Input: methods = ["addWord","addWord","addWord","search","search","addWord","search"], params = ["hello","hollow","hollow","hell","hel.o","hero","h.o."]
Output: [null,null,null,false,true,null,false]
Explanation: The words 'hello', 'hollow' are added, 'hell' doesn't exist, 'hel.o' matches 'hello', 'hero' is added, 'h.o.' does not match with any other word.
Input: methods = ["addWord","search","addWord","search","addWord","search","search"], params = ["bat","b.t","ball","ba.l","bat","b.ll","ball"]
Output: [null,true,null,true,null,true,true]
Explanation: Words 'bat' and 'ball' are added, 'b.t' matches 'bat', 'ba.l', 'b.ll' and 'ball' match 'ball'.


  • 1 <= word.length <= 25
  • 1 <= methods.length <= 1000
  • Search queries may include . and lowercase English letters, with at most 2 dots per query
  • Each word contains only lowercase English letters