Star Rating

Ex-Meta Staff Engineer

Create a star rating widget that allows users to select a rating value.


  • The widget accepts two parameters: the maximum number of stars and the number of currently filled stars.
  • When a star is clicked, it is filled along with all the stars to its left.
  • When the user hovers over the stars, all the stars under the cursor and its left are filled.
    • The stars which need to be filled during hover take priority over existing filled state.
    • If the cursor leaves the widget and no new selection is made, the appropriate stars revert to the filled state before the hovering.
  • Make the star rating widget reusable such that multiple instances can be rendered within the same page.

The star icons, both empty and filled, are provided to you as SVGs.

A StarRating.js skeleton component has been created for you. You are free to decide the props of <StarRating />.

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