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Dice Roller Solution

Ex-Meta Staff Engineer


The solution can be broken down into a few parts:

  1. Collecting form data.
  2. Generating dice values.
  3. Displaying the dice values.


The only state value we need for this dice roller is the values of the rolled dice, which can be represented as an array of values that range from 1 to 6.

Collecting form data

Since the transfer of data from the form is one-directional, a basic HTML form will suffice.

By using <input type="number" required="true" min="1" max="12" />, we ensure only integer values can be entered and leverage HTML validation so that the minimum value of the fields is 1 and maximum is 12. Empty fields are also prevented via the required attribute.

Generating dice values

With the number of dice obtained from the form, we can write a function to generate the required values.

To generate a value from 1 to 6, we can use Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6), 1). Note that Math.random() can return 0, so we need to make sure the minimum value is capped at 1 in the rare event that happens. This randomization will be repeated for each dice.

Displaying the dice values

Observe that there are 7 different positions the dots can take on a 6-sided dice. By using position: absolute and the appropriate top/left/right/bottom set to 0, the corner dots can be displayed correctly. The dots on the center row will require an additional negative translation transform to make them perfectly center.

Each dot is independent of the others and multiple dots can be combined to display the desired visual result for a dice value.

Lastly, we create an object that maps the dice value to the dot configuration classes. Value of 1 will require the center dot only, a value of 2 will require the top right and bottom left dots, etc.

Test cases

  • Number of dice form
    • Invalid values (empty, negative, decimals, bigger than 12) are not allowed.
    • Pressing the "Roll" button calls the random generator function with the correct value.
    • Form can be submitted by hitting Enter while in the <input> field.
  • Dice generation
    • Generated values are between 1 to 6 inclusive. Ensure that it is not possible to generate 0.
    • The correct number of values are generated.
  • Display
    • Each row should contain up to 3 dice.
    • If there are more than 3 dice, the other dice are wrapped to the next row(s).
    • Dot positioning on each dice is correct for each side.
  • Accessibility
    • Dice rolls results are announced to screen readers.


  • Add <label>s for the <input>s and link them together using <label for="..."> and <input id="...">.
  • Use role="status" and aria-live="polite" on the HTML element displaying the dice. A hidden element is also rendered within so that screen readers will announce the result when a new dice roll is performed.