Apple Front End Interview Guide

Apple Front End Interview Guide

The one-stop to prepare well for your Apple front end interviews
13 known questions with solutions
Insider tips
Recommended resources

Interviews with Apple are highly team-dependent but in general Apple's front end interview process focuses on fundamentals - vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM (Document Object Model). Depending on the team, you might be allowed to use JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue to completed the user interface questions, but you should also be comfortable building user interfaces with just vanilla JavaScript and CSS, without relying on JavaScript frameworks.

Known Apple front end interview questions

  • Array.prototype.concatPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.concat() method
  • Array.prototype.filterPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.filter() method
  • Array.prototype.mapPremiumImplement the method
  • Array.prototype.reduceImplement the Array.prototype.reduce() method

Apple Front End Interview Preparation Guide

Need a comprehensive resource to prepare for your Apple front end interviews? This all-in-one guide provides you with everything you need to ace them.

Find official information on Apple's front end interview process, learn exclusive insider tips and recommended preparation strategies, and practice questions known to be tested.

Recommended preparation strategy

We provide a recommended strategy that guides you through the interview preparation process. Start by reading official preparation guides, then practice actual questions that are known to be tested in Apple's interviews. Finally, broaden your study to cover all relevant topics. Our guide ensures you are systematically prepared for every stage of the Apple front-end interview.

Apple's front end interview process

We've consolidated some of the official information from Apple about their interview process and recommended preparation strategies. Go through them prior to anything else to familiarize yourself with the evaluation criteria and focus areas.

Insider tips from our network

Gain valuable insights from our network of Apple interviewers. Learn what to focus on in your preparation to gain the most mileage in any preparation window.

You can study and practice these topics directly on our platform. We provide an in-browser coding workspace and a large bank of practice questions, solutions and test cases written by big tech ex-interviewers.

Practice Apple front end interview questions

The fastest way to prepare for any interview is to practice questions known to be tested at the company. Our guide includes a collection of 13 known questions to be tested in Apple front end interviews, with topics such as Recursion, Async, Accessibility, Web APIs, JavaScript, OOP, HTML, UI component. Practice with these real interview questions to familiarize yourself with the difficulty and types of questions you might face interviews.