A comprehensive React interview guide that covers core concepts and interview-specific React tips
End-to-end guide
Tips for all questions types
100+ practice questions
Ace your React interviews with confidence with this comprehensive guide. Created by the author of the Front End Interview Handbook, the guide emphasizes on the concepts that are important for interviews using plenty of code examples. For each concept, learn the best practices and practice a variety of questions to help you truly master it.
React Interviews: An IntroductionA comprehensive guide to mastering React interviews by covering essential concepts, question types, and tailored strategies for front end engineers
Landscape and History of ReactA overview of React's evolution, from its Facebook origins to its current dominance as a versatile, battle-tested library with a vast ecosystem of tools and innovations
How to Prepare for React InterviewsA strategic guide offering a step-by-step plan to prepare for React interviews by outlining essential study steps, core concepts, and topics that are most critical for success
Essential topics
Basic React Concepts for InterviewsGet familiar with core React concepts – components, JSX, props, state, and rendering
Thinking Declaratively in ReactGuide on thinking in declarative and state-driven approaches in React, featuring practical examples like a todo list to illustrate building dynamic, maintainable UIs
Designing State in React InterviewsHow to think about state in React, detailing best practices for structuring, resetting, and updating state to build efficient, maintainable, and performant applications
React Hooks for InterviewsMaster React hooks for interviews, covering key hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, common pitfalls, and best practices for building reusable logic
Event Handling in React InterviewsGuide to React's synthetic event system, covering best practices for handling, intercepting, and optimizing mouse, input, form, focus, and keyboard events for interview success
Forms in React InterviewsGuide to building interactive React forms, covering controlled vs uncontrolled components, diverse input types, complex state management, and robust error handling and validation strategies
Signup Form Example in ReactA step-by-step guide to building an accessible React signup form with uncontrolled inputs, proper labeling, browser validation, and client-side submission
Data Fetching in React InterviewsA comprehensive guide to efficiently fetching data in React, covering client-side and server-side techniques, dynamic queries, error handling, caching, and advanced optimizations with query libraries
Design Patterns for React InterviewsAn exploration of React design patterns, including higher-order components, render props, and container/presentational patterns, to help you build clean, reusable, and scalable applications