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Google Front End Engineer Interview Questions and Guides

Google Front End Engineer Interview Questions and Guides

Since it's Google, candidates can expect to be tested on fundamental Computer Science concepts as well as their front end knowledge/skills.

Web Front End: ​You should be ready to cover topics like front end latency and implementation of standard CS algorithms using idiomatic JavaScript. You should be able to articulate Javascript strengths and shortcomings and ready to cover any of the following: Web security issues (XSS, XSRF), Prototypal inheritance, DOM API & manipulation, CSS manipulation, Browser / DOM events & event handling, XHR requests & HTTP headers, JavaScript closures

Refer to Google's official interview preparation guides for:

  • DebounceImplement a function to limit how many times a function can be executed by delaying the execution of the function until after a specified time after its last execution attempt
  • Debounce IIImplement a debounce function that comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke them
  • Deep EqualImplement a function that determines if two values are equal
  • Event EmitterImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions

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