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TikTok Front End Engineer Interview Questions and Guides

TikTok Front End Engineer Interview Questions and Guides

Interviews with TikTok are highly team-dependent and not standardized. TikTok asks a good mix of front end coding, front end system design (that involves coding), trivia quiz questions, and algorithmic coding questions. According to the community, most of TikTok's front end interview questions can be found on GreatFrontEnd.

Do also check out ByteDance guide and interview questions since TikTok is part of ByteDance.

Community experiences

  • Data SelectionImplement a function to filter rows of data matching a specified requirement
  • DebounceImplement a function to limit how many times a function can be executed by delaying the execution of the function until after a specified time after its last execution attempt
  • Deep CloneImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value
  • Event EmitterImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions

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