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The largest bank of 500+ practice questions for front end interviews.
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Save the trouble of searching the web for front end interview questions. We have 500+ practice questions in every framework, format, and topic, each with high quality answers and tests from big tech senior / staff engineers.

Questions List

  • CounterWarm up questionBuild a simple counter that increments whenever a button is clicked
    Available frameworks
  • Make CounterImplement a function that accepts an integer value and returns a function that can be repeatedly called to return increasing values
  • MeanImplement a function that finds the mean of the values inside an array
  • Function.prototype.callImplement the function that calls the function with a given `this` value and provided arguments
  • Min ByImplement a function that finds the minimum element based on the specified criteria
  • Selection SortImplement a function that performs a selection sort
  • StackImplement a stack data structure containing the common stack methods
  • Type UtilitiesImplement utilities to determine primitive variable types in JavaScript
  • AccordionBuild an accordion component that a displays a list of vertically stacked sections with each containing a title and content snippet
    Available frameworks
  • Array.prototype.reduceImplement the Array.prototype.reduce() method
  • Contact FormBuild a contact form which submits user feedback and contact details to a back end API
    Available frameworks
  • Count Set Bits in a Binary NumberImplement a function to find set bits in binary representation of a given integer
  • CycleImplement a function that takes one or more values and returns a function that cycles through those values each time it is called
  • Find Duplicates in ArrayImplement a function to check if there are any duplicate numbers in the array
  • Find Missing Number in SequenceImplement a function to find the missing element in a sorted array
  • Holy GrailBuild the famous holy grail layout consisting of a header, 3 columns, and a footer
    Available frameworks
  • Insertion SortImplement a function that performs an insertion sort
  • Optimal Stock TradingImplement a function to find the maximum profit achievable by buying and selling a stock once
  • Pair sumImplement a function to find two numbers within an array of integers that add up to a target integer
  • Progress BarsBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually when they are added to the page
    Available frameworks
  • String AnagramImplement a function to determine if two strings are anagram of each other
  • Type Utilities IIImplement utilities to determine non-primitive variable types in JavaScript
  • Binary Tree Maximum DepthImplement a function to find the maximum depth of a binary tree
  • Flip Binary TreeImplement a function to flip the nodes in a binary tree
  • Mortgage CalculatorBuild a calculator that computes the monthly mortgage for a loan
    Available frameworks
  • Staircase Climbing CombinationsImplement a function to find the number of ways to reach at the top of staircase
  • Balanced BracketsImplement a function to determine if a string contains balanced brackets
  • Binary Tree EqualImplement a function to determine whether two binary trees are equal
  • Bit CountingImplement a function to find number of set bits from 0 to n
  • Bit ReversalImplement a function to flip the order of the bits in a given number
  • Linked List ReversalImplement a function to reverse a linked list
  • String PalindromeImplement a function to determine if a string is a palindrome
  • Linked List Detect CycleImplement a function to detect if there are cycles in a linked list
  • Binary Tree SubtreeImplement a function to check if a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree
  • Linked Lists Combine Two SortedImplement a function to combine two sorted linked list
  • Meeting CalendarImplement a function to check if all meetings can be attended
  • Array Product Excluding CurrentImplement a function to find the product of elements in an array excluding the current element
  • Binary SearchImplement a function that performs binary search on an array of numbers
  • Breadth-first SearchImplement a breadth-first search algorithm that traverses a directed graph in a breadth-first manner
  • Count ByImplement a function that counts the number of times a value appears in an array based on a function or property name
  • CurryImplement a function that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with only one argument at a time
  • DebounceImplement a function to limit how many times a function can be executed by delaying the execution of the function until after a specified time after its last execution attempt
  • Depth-first SearchImplement a depth-first search algorithm that traverses a directed graph in a depth-first manner
  • Heap SortImplement a function that performs a heap sort
  • Is the Graph a TreeImplement a function to determine if a graph is a valid tree
  • Maximum Water Trapped Between WallsImplement a function to find the maximum water volume between two walls in an array of walls
  • PromisifyImplement a function that takes a function following the common error-first callback style and returns a version that returns promises
  • QueueImplement a queue data structure containing the common queue methods
  • TabsBuild a tabs component that displays a list of tab elements and one associated panel of content at a time
    Available frameworks
  • ThrottleImplement a function to control the execution of a function by limiting how many times it can execute over time
  • ClassnamesImplement a function that conditionally joins CSS class names together
  • Data MergingImplement a function to merge rows of data from the same user
  • Data TableBuild a users data table with pagination features
    Available frameworks
  • Dice RollerBuild a dice roller app that simulates the results of rolling 6-sided dice
    Available frameworks
  • Event EmitterImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions
  • File ExplorerBuild a file explorer component to navigate files and directories in a tree-like hierarchical viewer
    Available frameworks
  • FlattenImplement a function that recursively flattens an array into a single level deep
  • getElementsByStyleImplement a function to get all DOM elements that are rendered using the specified style
  • HTML SerializerImplement a function to serialize an object into an HTML string with indentation
  • JSON.stringifyImplement a function that converts a JavaScript value into a JSON string
  • Like ButtonBuild a Like button that changes appearance based on the states
    Available frameworks
  • List FormatImplement a function that formats a list of items into a single readable string
  • MemoizeImplement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts a single argument
  • Merge SortImplement a function that performs a recursive merge sort
  • Modal DialogBuild a reusable modal dialog component that can be opened and closed
    Available frameworks
  • Promise.allImplement the Promise.all() function that resolves to an array of results if all the input elements are resolved or rejects otherwise
  • Promise.anyImplement the Promise.any() function that resolves when any of the input elements are resolved
  • Quick SortImplement a function that performs a recursive quick sort
  • Squash ObjectImplement a function that returns a new object after squashing the input object into a single level of depth
  • Star RatingBuild a star rating component that shows a row of star icons for users to select the number of filled stars corresponding to the rating
    Available frameworks
  • Todo ListBuild a Todo list that lets users add new tasks and delete existing tasks
    Available frameworks
  • Topological SortImplement a function that performs a topological sort
  • Traffic LightBuild a traffic light where the lights switch from green to yellow to red after predetermined intervals and loop indefinitely
    Available frameworks
  • Binary Tree Level Order TraversalImplement a function to find the level order traversal of a binary tree
  • Deep CloneImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value
  • Deep EqualImplement a function that determines if two values are equal
  • Digital ClockBuild a 7-segment digital clock that shows the current time
    Available frameworks
  • getElementsByClassNameImplement a function to get all DOM elements that contain the specified classes
  • Map Async LimitImplement a function that maps an array of items with an asynchronous mapping function while not exceeding the concurrency limit
  • Maximum Sum in Contiguous ArrayImplement a function to find the subarray with the maximum sum
  • Smallest element in rotated sorted arrayImplement a function to find the smallest element in rotated sorted array
  • Tic-tac-toeBuild a tic-tac-toe game that is playable by two players
    Available frameworks
  • Deep OmitImplement a function that removes specified keys and their corresponding values from an object, including nested objects or arrays
  • Find Element in Rotated ArrayImplement a function to find an integer in a rotated sorted array
  • Image CarouselBuild an image carousel that displays a sequence of images
    Available frameworks
  • Job BoardBuild a job board that displays the latest job postings from Hacker News
    Available frameworks
  • Maximum Product in Contiguous ArrayImplement a function to find the subarray which has the largest product
  • StopwatchBuild a stopwatch widget that can measure how much time has passed
    Available frameworks
  • Transfer ListBuild a component that allows transferring of items between two lists
    Available frameworks
  • Binary Search Tree Kth Smallest ElementImplement a function to find the kth smallest node in a BST
  • Binary Search Tree Lowest Common AncestorImplement a function to find the LCA in a binary search tree
  • Count Islands in a GridImplement a function to count distinct islands in a 2D binary grid
  • Delete Nth Node from End of Linked ListImplement a function to delete the nth node from the end of a linked list
  • Distinct Paths in GridImplement a function to calculate distinct paths for a robot moving on an m x n grid
  • Matrix ZeroingImplement a function to set matrix rows and columns to zero
  • Merge Overlapping IntervalsImplement a function to merge overlapping intervals
  • Most Common ElementsImplement a function to determine the most common elements in an integer array
  • Neighborhood TheftImplement a function to find maximum money to rob without alerting police
  • Rearrange Linked ListImplement a function to rearrange the nodes in a linked list
  • Sum Without AdditionImplement a function to find the sum of two integers without using + and - operator
  • Triplet SumImplement a function to find all unique triplets with distinct indices that sum to 0
  • Validate Binary Search TreeImplement a function to validate whether a binary tree is a valid binary search tree
  • Combinations for Target SumImplement a function to count combinations that sum to the target
  • Course DependencyImplement a function to check if all courses can be completed given prerequisites
  • Decode MessageImplement a function to count ways to decode a numeric string
  • Longest Consecutive Number SequenceImplement a function to find the length of the longest consecutive number sequence
  • Longest Increasing SubsequenceImplement a function to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence
  • Minimum Coins for ChangeImplement a function to return minimum coins needed to make the given amount
  • Palindromic SubstringsImplement a function to count all palindromic substrings in a string
  • Segment WordsImplement a function to check whether a string be formed from dictionary words
  • String Anagram GroupsImplement a function to group an array of strings into anagrams
  • Task CoordinationImplement a function to find minimum intervals for tasks with cooldown
  • Trie (Prefix Tree)Implement a trie-prefix-tree with insert, search, and starts with functionality
  • Binary Tree Rebuilding from Preorder and Inorder TraversalsImplement a function to construct a binary tree from preorder and inorder traversals
  • Disjoint IntervalsImplement a function to determine the minimum amount of removals to get non-overlapping intervals
  • End of Array ReachableImplement a function to determine if the end of the array is reachable
  • Find the Longest Palindromic SubstringImplement a function to find the longest palindromic substring
  • Find Word in GridImplement a function to check the existence of a word in a grid
  • Graph Count Connected ComponentsImplement a function to count connected components in a graph
  • Longest Common SubsequenceImplement a function to find the longest common subsequence in two strings
  • Longest Non-repeating SubstringImplement a function to find the length of longest substring with unique characters
  • Longest Repeating Substring After ReplacementsImplement a function to find the longest uniform substring after up to k replacements
  • Matrix RotationImplement a function to rotate the given matrix by 90 degrees
  • Matrix Spiral TraversalImplement a function to traverse the matrix in spiral order
  • Merge New IntervalImplement a function to insert a new interval in the given intervals
  • Neighborhood Theft (Circular)Implement a function to find maximum money to rob in circular houses without alerting police
  • Ocean FlowImplement a function returning cells with water flow to both oceans
  • Word FinderImplement a data structure where words can be added and support wildcard searching
  • Graph CloneImplement a function to deeply clone a connected and undirected graph
  • Minimum Meeting Rooms NeededImplement a function to find the minimum number of required conference rooms
  • Binary Tree Serialization and DeserializationImplement a function to serialize and deserialize a binary tree
  • Binary Tree Maximum Total PathImplement a function to find the maximum total of nodes in a binary tree path
  • Find Words in GridImplement a function to find all the words present in the grid
  • Nested CheckboxesBuild a nested checkboxes component with parent-child selection logic
    Available frameworks
  • Linked Lists Combine K SortedImplement a function to combine k sorted linked lists
  • Shortest Substring Containing CharactersImplement a function to return the smallest substring of a string containing all characters from another string
  • Extraterrestrial LanguageImplement a function to verify and return an extraterrestrial language's alphabet order
  • Number Stream MedianImplement a function to find the median of a dynamic stream of integers
  • ClampPremiumImplement a function to clamp a number within the inclusive lower and upper bounds
  • Function LengthPremiumImplement a function that returns the number of parameters expected by a function
  • Number of ArgumentsPremiumImplement a function that returns the number of arguments it was called with
  • SleepPremiumImplement a function that pauses for a specified duration before resuming execution
  • Array.prototype.squarePremiumImplement a custom Array.prototype.square() method that squares the values in an array
  • Cancellable IntervalPremiumImplement a function that acts like setInterval but returns a function to cancel the interval
  • Cancellable TimeoutPremiumImplement a function that acts like setTimeout but returns a function to cancel the pending callback
  • ChunkPremiumImplement a function that creates an array of elements split into smaller groups of a specified size
  • CompactPremiumImplement a function that creates an array with all falsey values removed
  • DifferencePremiumImplement a function that finds the difference in values between arrays
  • Drop Right WhilePremiumImplement a function that excludes elements from the end of an array until the predicate returns false
  • Drop WhilePremiumImplement a function that excludes elements from the beginning of an array until the predicate returns false
  • FillPremiumImplement a function that fills an array with values within specified indices
  • Find IndexPremiumImplement a function that returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function
  • Find Last IndexPremiumImplement a function that returns the index of the last element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function
  • From PairsPremiumImplement a function that returns an object composed from key-value pairs
  • Function.prototype.applyPremiumImplement the Function.prototype.apply() function that calls the function with a given `this` value and arguments as an array
  • GetPremiumImplement a function to safely access deeply-nested properties in JavaScript objects
  • In RangePremiumImplement a function to check if a number falls between two numbers
  • IntersectionPremiumImplement a function that computes the intersection of arrays, returning a new array containing unique values present in all given arrays
  • Max ByPremiumImplement a function that finds the maximum element based on the specified criteria
  • Object MapPremiumImplement a function to transform values within an object
  • OncePremiumImplement a function that accepts a callback and restricts its invocation to at most once
  • Promise.rejectPremiumImplement a function to return a Promise object rejected with a reason
  • RangePremiumImplement a function that returns a sequence of numbers in ascending order
  • Range RightPremiumImplement a function that returns a sequence of numbers in descending order
  • SingletonPremiumImplement a Singleton class that ensures a class has only one instance while providing a global point of access to that instance
  • Unique ArrayPremiumImplement a function to remove all duplicate values from an array
  • Array.prototype.atPremiumImplement the method
  • Array.prototype.filterPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.filter() method
  • Array.prototype.mapPremiumImplement the method
  • ComposePremiumImplement a function that takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that applies those functions in reverse
  • Flight BookerPremiumBuild a component that books a flight for specified dates
    Available frameworks
  • Function.prototype.bindPremiumImplement the Function.prototype.bind() function that creates a new function with the `this` keyword set to a provided value
  • Generate TablePremiumGenerate a table of numbers given the rows and columns
    Available frameworks
  • jQuery.cssPremiumImplement a jQuery-like function that sets the style of a DOM element
  • Progress BarPremiumBuild a progress bar component that shows the percentage completion of an operation
    Available frameworks
  • Promise.racePremiumImplement the Promise.race() function that resolves or rejects when any of the input elements are resolved or rejected
  • SizePremiumImplement a function that returns the size of collection
  • SumPremiumImplement a function that sums numbers by accepting a number and allows for repeated calling with more numbers until it is not called with any number
  • Temperature ConverterPremiumBuild a temperature converter widget that converts temperature values between Celsius and Fahrenheit
    Available frameworks
  • TweetPremiumBuild a component that resembles a Tweet from Twitter
    Available frameworks
  • Make Counter IIPremiumImplement a function that returns a counter object with methods to retrieve and manipulate the value
  • Array.prototype.concatPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.concat() method
  • Group ByPremiumImplement a function that groups values in an array based on a function or property name
  • Intersection ByPremiumImplement a function that returns an array of unique values that are included in all given arrays based on a provided iteratee function
  • Intersection WithPremiumComputes the intersection of arrays using a custom comparator function to determine equality between elements
  • Is EmptyPremiumImplement a function to check if a value is an empty object, collection, map, or set
  • LimitPremiumImplement a function that accepts a callback and restricts its invocation to at most N times
  • Promise MergePremiumImplement a function to merge the results of two promises into a single value
  • Promise TimeoutPremiumImplement a function that resolves a promise if it is fulfilled within a timeout period and rejects otherwise
  • Promise.resolvePremiumImplement a function to resolve a given value to a Promise
  • Promise.withResolversPremiumImplement a function that returns an object containing a new `Promise` object and two functions to resolve or reject it
  • Promisify IIPremiumImplement a promisify function that allows the original function to override the return value
  • TurtlePremiumImplement a Turtle class that moves a turtle on a 2D plane
  • Union ByPremiumImplement a function that creates an array of unique values, in order, from all given arrays.
  • Accordion IIPremiumBuild an accessible accordion component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Accordion IIIPremiumBuild a fully accessible accordion component that has keyboard support according to ARIA specifications
    Available frameworks
  • Analog ClockPremiumBuild an analog clock where the hands update and move like a real clock
    Available frameworks
  • Camel Case KeysPremiumImplement a function to convert all the keys in an object to camel case
  • Compact IIPremiumImplement a function that returns an object with all falsey values removed
  • Conforms ToPremiumImplement a function that checks if object conforms to source
  • Curry IIPremiumImplement a function that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with any number of arguments
  • Data Table IIPremiumBuild a users data table with sorting features
    Available frameworks
  • Debounce IIPremiumImplement a debounce function that comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke them
  • Event Emitter IIPremiumImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions. Subscription objects are returned and can unsubscribe itself
  • File Explorer IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible file explorer component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • File Explorer IIIPremiumBuild a file explorer component using a flat DOM structure
    Available frameworks
  • getElementsByTagNamePremiumImplement a function to get all DOM elements that match a tag
  • Grid LightsPremiumBuild a grid of lights where the lights deactivate in the reverse order they were activated
    Available frameworks
  • Identical DOM TreesPremiumImplement a function to determine if two DOM trees are the same
  • jQuery Class ManipulationPremiumImplement a set of jQuery-like functions that manipulates classes on a DOM element
  • Map AsyncPremiumImplement a function that maps an array of items with an asynchronous mapping function
  • Modal Dialog IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible modal dialog component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Modal Dialog IIIPremiumBuild a moderately-accessible modal dialog component that supports common ways to close the dialog
    Available frameworks
  • Progress Bars IIPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually in sequence, one at a time
    Available frameworks
  • Promise.allSettledPremiumImplement the Promise.allSettled() function that resolves to an array of outcomes when all the input elements are either resolved or rejected
  • Resumable IntervalPremiumImplement a function that creates a resumable interval object
  • Tabs IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible tabs component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Tabs IIIPremiumBuild a fully accessible tabs component that has keyboard support according to ARIA specifications
    Available frameworks
  • Text SearchPremiumImplement a function to highlight text if a searched term appears within it
  • Deep MapPremiumImplement a function to recursively transform values
  • Progress Bars IIIPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually concurrently, up to a limit of 3
    Available frameworks
  • Text Search IIPremiumImplement a function to highlight text if searched terms appear within it
  • Birth Year HistogramPremiumBuild a widget that fetches birth year data from an API and plot it on a histogram
    Available frameworks
  • Connect FourPremiumBuild a game for two players who take turns to drop colored discs from the top into a vertically suspended board/grid
    Available frameworks
  • Deep MergePremiumImplement a function that merges two objects together
  • Image Carousel IIPremiumBuild an image carousel that smoothly transitions between images
    Available frameworks
  • Memoize IIPremiumImplement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts any number of arguments
  • Pixel ArtPremiumBuild a pixel art drawing tool where users can paint pixels with selected colors
    Available frameworks
  • Signup FormPremiumBuild a signup form that does validation on user details and submits to a back end API
    Available frameworks
  • Undoable CounterPremiumBuild a counter with a history of the values and ability to undo/redo actions
    Available frameworks
  • Users DatabasePremiumBuild a UI to filter, create, update, and delete users
    Available frameworks
  • Whack-A-MolePremiumBuild a popular arcade game where players attempt to hit moles as they pop up from holes in a board
    Available frameworks
  • Memory GamePremiumBuild a memory game where the player needs to match pairs of cards
    Available frameworks
  • Curry IIIPremiumImplement a function which transforms a function which takes variadic arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with any number of arguments
  • Auth Code InputPremiumBuild an auth code input component that allows users to enter a 6-digit authorization code
    Available frameworks
  • Classnames IIPremiumImplement a function that conditionally joins CSS class names together and also handles de-duplication and function values
  • Progress Bars IVPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually concurrently, up to a limit of 3 and allows for pausing and resuming
    Available frameworks
  • Backbone ModelPremiumImplement a class resembling Backbone.Model which allows storing of attributes/values and responding to changes in specific attribute values
  • Data SelectionPremiumImplement a function to filter rows of data matching a specified requirement
  • Data Table IIIPremiumBuild a generalized data table with pagination and sorting features
    Available frameworks
  • getElementsByTagNameHierarchyPremiumImplement a function to get all DOM elements that match a tag hierarchy
  • Modal Dialog IVPremiumBuild a fully-accessible modal dialog component that supports all required keyboard interactions
    Available frameworks
  • Table of ContentsPremiumImplement a function to construct a table of contents from an HTML document
  • Data Table IVPremiumBuild a generalized data table with pagination, sorting and filtering features
    Available frameworks
  • Image Carousel IIIPremiumBuild an image carousel that smoothly transitions between images that has a minimal DOM footprint
    Available frameworks
  • Selectable CellsPremiumBuild an interface where users can drag to select multiple cells within a grid
    Available frameworks
  • Tic-tac-toe IIPremiumBuild an N x N tic-tac-toe game that requires M consecutive marks to win
    Available frameworks
  • Transfer List IIPremiumBuild a component that allows transferring of items between two lists, bulk selection/unselection of items, and adding of new items
    Available frameworks
  • Deep Clone IIPremiumImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value, but also handles circular references
  • JSON.stringify IIPremiumImplement a function that converts a JavaScript value into a JSON string
  • WordlePremiumBuild Wordle, the word-guessing game that took the world by storm
    Available frameworks

500+ Front End Interview Questions and Answers

Hone your skills with a variety of front end interview questions designed to cover every aspect of the interview process. Whether you need to practice coding in a particular framework, brush up on your algorithmic thinking, or prepare for behavioral questions, we have you covered.

Question formats

Explore different question formats commonly encountered in front end interviews:

  1. JavaScript Coding interview questions: Solve coding challenges that require you to implement JavaScript functions, often used for utility functions or polyfills.
  2. User Interface Coding interview questions: Practice implementing UI components and features.
  3. Front End System Design interview questions: Work on technical design questions that test your ability to create scalable and maintainable front end architectures, typically asked in mid to senior level interviews.
  4. Quiz interview questions: Answer short, knowledge-based questions with clear, non-subjective answers. Ideal for recruiter screens or companies that do not include coding rounds.
  5. Data Structures and Algorithms Coding interview questions: Tackle algorithmic coding questions similar to those found on platforms like LeetCode, aimed at testing your data structures and algorithmic knowledge.
  6. Behavioral interview questions: Prepare for non-technical interview questions that assess your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, key components of any professional role.

Frameworks and languages

Get targeted practice in the specific front end frameworks and languages you're working with:

Why practice for your front end interviews here?

1. Developed by experienced interviewers: All questions, solutions, test cases, and categories on our platform have been meticulously crafted by engineers who have conducted numerous interviews at leading tech companies. Their expertise ensures that the questions are current and relevant, with solutions and test cases designed to meet the expectations of today's interviewers.

2. Wide-ranging collection of practice questions: We offer an extensive selection of realistic and challenging questions across various categories, reflecting the latest trends and practices in front end development. These questions are thoughtfully organized to help you build expertise in the required areas, whether it's JavaScript, front end system design, or the latest UI frameworks.

3. Detailed and instructive solutions: Each question is accompanied by a comprehensive solution that clearly explains the correct approach, breaking down both the "how" and "why" behind each answer. These solutions are designed to deepen your understanding, ensuring you can apply the knowledge effectively in interviews and real-world scenarios.

4. State-of-the-art coding environment: Our in-browser coding workspace is designed to closely replicate the conditions of actual front end coding interviews. This environment helps you become familiar with the tools you'll use during interviews. Additionally, we offer convenience features and shortcuts to make your practice sessions as smooth and efficient as possible.

5. Real-time feedback with automated testing: To enhance your learning experience, we provide automated test cases that give you immediate feedback on your solutions. This real-time evaluation helps you quickly identify areas for improvement, ensuring continuous progress as you prepare for front end engineering roles.