Looking for the most important front end interview questions to practice, with answers and test cases?
Try GFE 75—a list of 75 most important front end interview questions curated by big tech ex-interviewers to give you the most mileage for your time. These questions were chosen such that there is sufficient repetition and coverage of key topics and patterns.
Furthermore, each question in the list has been solved by experienced engineers, providing solutions / answers in multiple frameworks and languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, Angular, Svelte where applicable.
The coding workspace integrated into GFE 75 allows you to practice directly in your browser, simulating the actual conditions you'll face in a real interview.
To quickly tell if your answers meet the expectation criteria, you're also able to run your code against our automated test cases, which were again written by ex-interviewers to reflect the real demands of the interview process.
Topics covered by GFE 75 include: