
JavaScript Functions Interview Questions

Coding questions on JavaScript functions, covering concepts such as closures, event handling, async programming, and DOM manipulation.
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  • Make CounterImplement a function that accepts an integer value and returns a function that can be repeatedly called to return increasing values
  • MeanImplement a function that finds the mean of the values inside an array
  • Function.prototype.callImplement the function that calls the function with a given `this` value and provided arguments
  • Min ByImplement a function that finds the minimum element based on the specified criteria
  • Type UtilitiesImplement utilities to determine primitive variable types in JavaScript
  • Array.prototype.reduceImplement the Array.prototype.reduce() method
  • CycleImplement a function that takes one or more values and returns a function that cycles through those values each time it is called
  • Type Utilities IIImplement utilities to determine non-primitive variable types in JavaScript
  • Count ByImplement a function that counts the number of times a value appears in an array based on a function or property name
  • CurryImplement a function that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with only one argument at a time
  • DebounceImplement a function to limit how many times a function can be executed by delaying the execution of the function until after a specified time after its last execution attempt
  • PromisifyImplement a function that takes a function following the common error-first callback style and returns a version that returns promises
  • ThrottleImplement a function to control the execution of a function by limiting how many times it can execute over time
  • ClassnamesImplement a function that conditionally joins CSS class names together
  • Data MergingImplement a function to merge rows of data from the same user
  • Event EmitterImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions
  • FlattenImplement a function that recursively flattens an array into a single level deep
  • getElementsByStyleImplement a function to get all DOM elements that are rendered using the specified style
  • HTML SerializerImplement a function to serialize an object into an HTML string with indentation
  • JSON.stringifyImplement a function that converts a JavaScript value into a JSON string
  • List FormatImplement a function that formats a list of items into a single readable string
  • MemoizeImplement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts a single argument
  • Promise.allImplement the Promise.all() function that resolves to an array of results if all the input elements are resolved or rejects otherwise
  • Promise.anyImplement the Promise.any() function that resolves when any of the input elements are resolved
  • Squash ObjectImplement a function that returns a new object after squashing the input object into a single level of depth
  • Deep CloneImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value
  • Deep EqualImplement a function that determines if two values are equal
  • getElementsByClassNameImplement a function to get all DOM elements that contain the specified classes
  • Map Async LimitImplement a function that maps an array of items with an asynchronous mapping function while not exceeding the concurrency limit
  • Deep OmitImplement a function that removes specified keys and their corresponding values from an object, including nested objects or arrays
  • ClampPremiumImplement a function to clamp a number within the inclusive lower and upper bounds
  • Function LengthPremiumImplement a function that returns the number of parameters expected by a function
  • Number of ArgumentsPremiumImplement a function that returns the number of arguments it was called with
  • SleepPremiumImplement a function that pauses for a specified duration before resuming execution
  • Array.prototype.squarePremiumImplement a custom Array.prototype.square() method that squares the values in an array
  • Cancellable IntervalPremiumImplement a function that acts like setInterval but returns a function to cancel the interval
  • Cancellable TimeoutPremiumImplement a function that acts like setTimeout but returns a function to cancel the pending callback
  • ChunkPremiumImplement a function that creates an array of elements split into smaller groups of a specified size
  • CompactPremiumImplement a function that creates an array with all falsey values removed
  • DifferencePremiumImplement a function that finds the difference in values between arrays
  • Drop Right WhilePremiumImplement a function that excludes elements from the end of an array until the predicate returns false
  • Drop WhilePremiumImplement a function that excludes elements from the beginning of an array until the predicate returns false
  • FillPremiumImplement a function that fills an array with values within specified indices
  • Find IndexPremiumImplement a function that returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function
  • Find Last IndexPremiumImplement a function that returns the index of the last element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function
  • From PairsPremiumImplement a function that returns an object composed from key-value pairs
  • Function.prototype.applyPremiumImplement the Function.prototype.apply() function that calls the function with a given `this` value and arguments as an array
  • GetPremiumImplement a function to safely access deeply-nested properties in JavaScript objects
  • In RangePremiumImplement a function to check if a number falls between two numbers
  • IntersectionPremiumImplement a function that computes the intersection of arrays, returning a new array containing unique values present in all given arrays
  • Max ByPremiumImplement a function that finds the maximum element based on the specified criteria
  • Object MapPremiumImplement a function to transform values within an object
  • OncePremiumImplement a function that accepts a callback and restricts its invocation to at most once
  • Promise.rejectPremiumImplement a function to return a Promise object rejected with a reason
  • RangePremiumImplement a function that returns a sequence of numbers in ascending order
  • Range RightPremiumImplement a function that returns a sequence of numbers in descending order
  • SingletonPremiumImplement a Singleton class that ensures a class has only one instance while providing a global point of access to that instance
  • Unique ArrayPremiumImplement a function to remove all duplicate values from an array
  • Array.prototype.atPremiumImplement the method
  • Array.prototype.filterPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.filter() method
  • Array.prototype.mapPremiumImplement the method
  • ComposePremiumImplement a function that takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that applies those functions in reverse
  • Function.prototype.bindPremiumImplement the Function.prototype.bind() function that creates a new function with the `this` keyword set to a provided value
  • jQuery.cssPremiumImplement a jQuery-like function that sets the style of a DOM element
  • Promise.racePremiumImplement the Promise.race() function that resolves or rejects when any of the input elements are resolved or rejected
  • SizePremiumImplement a function that returns the size of collection
  • SumPremiumImplement a function that sums numbers by accepting a number and allows for repeated calling with more numbers until it is not called with any number
  • Make Counter IIPremiumImplement a function that returns a counter object with methods to retrieve and manipulate the value
  • Array.prototype.concatPremiumImplement the Array.prototype.concat() method
  • Group ByPremiumImplement a function that groups values in an array based on a function or property name
  • Intersection ByPremiumImplement a function that returns an array of unique values that are included in all given arrays based on a provided iteratee function
  • Intersection WithPremiumComputes the intersection of arrays using a custom comparator function to determine equality between elements
  • Is EmptyPremiumImplement a function to check if a value is an empty object, collection, map, or set
  • LimitPremiumImplement a function that accepts a callback and restricts its invocation to at most N times
  • Promise MergePremiumImplement a function to merge the results of two promises into a single value
  • Promise TimeoutPremiumImplement a function that resolves a promise if it is fulfilled within a timeout period and rejects otherwise
  • Promise.resolvePremiumImplement a function to resolve a given value to a Promise
  • Promise.withResolversPremiumImplement a function that returns an object containing a new `Promise` object and two functions to resolve or reject it
  • Promisify IIPremiumImplement a promisify function that allows the original function to override the return value
  • TurtlePremiumImplement a Turtle class that moves a turtle on a 2D plane
  • Union ByPremiumImplement a function that creates an array of unique values, in order, from all given arrays.
  • Camel Case KeysPremiumImplement a function to convert all the keys in an object to camel case
  • Compact IIPremiumImplement a function that returns an object with all falsey values removed
  • Conforms ToPremiumImplement a function that checks if object conforms to source
  • Curry IIPremiumImplement a function that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with any number of arguments
  • Debounce IIPremiumImplement a debounce function that comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke them
  • Event Emitter IIPremiumImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions. Subscription objects are returned and can unsubscribe itself
  • getElementsByTagNamePremiumImplement a function to get all DOM elements that match a tag
  • Identical DOM TreesPremiumImplement a function to determine if two DOM trees are the same
  • jQuery Class ManipulationPremiumImplement a set of jQuery-like functions that manipulates classes on a DOM element
  • Map AsyncPremiumImplement a function that maps an array of items with an asynchronous mapping function
  • Promise.allSettledPremiumImplement the Promise.allSettled() function that resolves to an array of outcomes when all the input elements are either resolved or rejected
  • Resumable IntervalPremiumImplement a function that creates a resumable interval object
  • Text SearchPremiumImplement a function to highlight text if a searched term appears within it
  • Deep MapPremiumImplement a function to recursively transform values
  • Text Search IIPremiumImplement a function to highlight text if searched terms appear within it
  • Deep MergePremiumImplement a function that merges two objects together
  • Memoize IIPremiumImplement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts any number of arguments
  • Curry IIIPremiumImplement a function which transforms a function which takes variadic arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with any number of arguments
  • Classnames IIPremiumImplement a function that conditionally joins CSS class names together and also handles de-duplication and function values
  • Backbone ModelPremiumImplement a class resembling Backbone.Model which allows storing of attributes/values and responding to changes in specific attribute values
  • Data SelectionPremiumImplement a function to filter rows of data matching a specified requirement
  • getElementsByTagNameHierarchyPremiumImplement a function to get all DOM elements that match a tag hierarchy
  • Table of ContentsPremiumImplement a function to construct a table of contents from an HTML document
  • Deep Clone IIPremiumImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value, but also handles circular references
  • JSON.stringify IIPremiumImplement a function that converts a JavaScript value into a JSON string

JavaScript Functions Interview Questions and Answers

JavaScript functions are at the core of the language, making them a critical topic for technical interviews. From fundamental concepts to advanced features, questions about JavaScript functions are designed to evaluate your ability to write clean, efficient, and reusable code. A deep understanding of functions not only highlights your grasp of JavaScript but also demonstrates your capability to solve problems in real-world applications.

This guide provides a curated list of JavaScript function-related interview questions commonly asked by employers. Each question focuses on an essential aspect of functions, such as closures, higher-order functions, callbacks, async/await, and function scopes. Paired with concise answers and detailed explanations, this guide is the ultimate preparation resource for mastering JavaScript functions.

Why JavaScript Functions Questions Are Critical in Interviews

Employers rely on JavaScript function-related questions to assess your understanding of how JavaScript works under the hood. Functions are not just blocks of reusable code; they play a key role in structuring applications, managing state, and enabling asynchronous programming. Mastering functions equips you to build more robust and scalable applications, which is why this topic frequently appears in interviews.

Some key reasons why function-related questions are important:

  1. Understanding fundamentals: Functions are foundational to JavaScript. A strong understanding of them indicates a solid grasp of the language.
  2. Problem-solving ability: Many algorithmic and logical challenges rely on your ability to write and manipulate functions effectively.
  3. Advanced concepts: Interviewers use functions to explore advanced topics such as closures, recursion, and asynchronous programming.
  4. Real-world applications: Functions are integral to frameworks and libraries like React and Node.js, where understanding functional programming patterns is essential.

By practicing questions that cover these areas, you'll be prepared to confidently tackle both simple and complex challenges.

Example JavaScript Functions Interview Questions

Below are examples of function-related questions categorized by topic. Each question is paired with both a quick TL;DR answer for interviews and a more detailed explanation to deepen your understanding.

1. Closures

  • Question: What is a closure in JavaScript?
    • TL;DR Answer: A closure is a function that retains access to variables from its lexical scope, even when executed outside that scope.

Detailed Explanation: Closures are created every time a function is defined. For example:

function outerFunction(outerVariable) {
return function innerFunction(innerVariable) {
console.log(`Outer: ${outerVariable}, Inner: ${innerVariable}`);
const newFunction = outerFunction('outside');
newFunction('inside'); // Outer: outside, Inner: inside

Closures are commonly used in callbacks, event handlers, and to encapsulate private variables.

2. Higher-Order Functions

  • Question: What is a higher-order function?
    • TL;DR Answer: A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as an argument, returns a function, or both.

Detailed Explanation: Higher-order functions enable functional programming. Examples include map, filter, and reduce:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const doubled = => num \* 2);
console.log(doubled); // [2, 4, 6, 8]

3. Callbacks

  • Question: What is a callback function, and how is it used?
    • TL;DR Answer: A callback is a function passed as an argument to another function and executed at a later time.

Detailed Explanation: Callbacks are often used in asynchronous programming:

function fetchData(callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
callback('Data loaded');
}, 1000);
fetchData((data) => console.log(data));

4. Async/Await

  • Question: How does async/await improve asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
    • TL;DR Answer: async/await simplifies asynchronous code by making it readable and structured like synchronous code.

Detailed Explanation: Using async/await allows you to avoid chaining Promises:

async function fetchData() {
try {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {

5. Function Scopes

  • Question: What is the difference between function scope and block scope?
    • TL;DR Answer: Function scope applies to variables declared with var, while block scope applies to variables declared with let and const.

Detailed Explanation: In JavaScript, var is scoped to the nearest function, while let and const are scoped to the nearest block:

function scopeExample() {
if (true) {
var functionScoped = 'function';
let blockScoped = 'block';
console.log(functionScoped); // 'function'
// console.log(blockScoped); // ReferenceError

6. Recursion

  • Question: What is recursion, and when would you use it?
    • TL;DR Answer: Recursion is a process where a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of a problem.

Detailed Explanation: Recursion is often used in tasks like traversing trees or calculating factorials:

function factorial(n) {
if (n === 0) return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
console.log(factorial(5)); // 120

How These Questions Help You Prepare

Our JavaScript UI interview questions are designed to thoroughly prepare you for the challenges of front-end development roles. Here's how they help:

  1. Expertly crafted: Each question is created by experienced engineers with deep knowledge of front-end interviews. The content reflects current industry trends and expectations, ensuring your preparation is both relevant and practical.
  2. Wide topical coverage: Questions cover an extensive range of subjects, including DOM manipulation, responsive design, accessibility, and performance optimization. This diversity ensures you're ready to handle any scenario during interviews.
  3. Detailed solutions: Each question comes with comprehensive solutions implemented in popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, as well as plain JavaScript and TypeScript. These solutions provide insights into best practices and methodologies, making them applicable across different development environments.
  4. Simulated mock interview environment: Our in-browser coding workspace simulates real-world interview conditions. With an instant UI preview feature, you can see your code in action as you write it, offering immediate visual feedback to refine your approach.
  5. Instant feedback through test cases: Automated test cases validate your solutions in real-time, helping you quickly identify and fix mistakes. This immediate feedback loop ensures consistent improvement as you prepare for interviews.

This comprehensive preparation strategy equips you to tackle both fundamental and advanced UI development questions with confidence, enhancing your skills and readiness for real-world challenges.

Why Our Answers Stand Out

These answers are crafted by ex-interviewers from leading tech companies who bring years of experience in evaluating candidates and building JavaScript-based solutions for large-scale applications. Our answers are grounded in practical considerations, focusing on modularity, accessibility, and performance.

Expect to explore multiple approaches to each problem, giving you a comprehensive view of best practices. Most importantly, the credibility of our answers is unmatched, ensuring that the knowledge you gain is not only technically sound but also aligned with real-world requirements and high industry standards.

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