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Quiz Questions

How do you organize your code?

Do you use module pattern, classical inheritance, something else?
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I organize my code by following a modular approach, using a clear folder structure, and adhering to coding standards and best practices. I separate concerns by dividing code into different layers such as components, services, and utilities. I also use naming conventions and documentation to ensure code readability and maintainability.

How do you organize your code?

Modular approach

I follow a modular approach to break down the application into smaller, reusable pieces. This helps in managing the codebase more efficiently and makes it easier to maintain and scale.

Folder structure

I use a clear and consistent folder structure to organize my code. Here is a common structure for a React project:

|-- components/
| |-- Header/
| | |-- Header.js
| | |-- Header.css
| |-- Footer/
| | |-- Footer.js
| | |-- Footer.css
|-- services/
| |-- apiService.js
|-- utils/
| |-- helpers.js
|-- App.js
|-- index.js

Separation of concerns

I separate concerns by dividing the code into different layers:

  • Components: UI elements that are reusable and self-contained
  • Services: Functions that handle data fetching and business logic
  • Utilities: Helper functions and constants that can be used across the application

Naming conventions

I use consistent naming conventions to improve code readability:

  • Files and folders: Use camelCase or kebab-case for file and folder names
  • Components: Use PascalCase for React component names
  • Variables and functions: Use camelCase for variable and function names


I document my code to make it easier for others (and myself) to understand:

  • Comments: Add comments to explain complex logic or important sections of the code
  • README: Include a README file with instructions on how to set up and run the project

Coding standards and best practices

I adhere to coding standards and best practices to ensure code quality:

  • Linting: Use tools like ESLint to enforce coding standards
  • Formatting: Use tools like Prettier to maintain consistent code formatting
  • Testing: Write unit tests and integration tests to ensure code reliability

Further reading

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