How do you test React applications?
To test React applications, you can use tools like Jest and React Testing Library. Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that works well with React, and React Testing Library provides utilities to test React components in a way that resembles how users interact with them. You can write unit tests for individual components, integration tests for component interactions, and end-to-end tests using tools like Cypress.
How do you test React applications?
Unit testing
Unit testing involves testing individual components in isolation. Jest is a popular choice for unit testing React applications. It provides a test runner, assertion library, and mocking capabilities.
Integration testing
Integration testing involves testing the interaction between multiple components. React Testing Library is useful for this as it allows you to render components and interact with them as a user would.
End-to-end testing
End-to-end (E2E) testing involves testing the entire application flow from the user's perspective. Cypress is a popular tool for E2E testing in React applications.
Snapshot testing
Snapshot testing involves capturing the rendered output of a component and comparing it to a saved snapshot. Jest provides built-in support for snapshot testing.