
React Interview Questions

100+ most important React interview questions on component architecture, hooks, state management, performance, and real-world UI components.
Solved by ex-interviewers
Test scenarios
Code in browser

Questions List

React Interview PlaybookA comprehensive React interview guide that covers core concepts and interview-specific React tips
0/12 guides
  • CounterWarm up questionBuild a simple counter that increments whenever a button is clicked
    Available frameworks
  • AccordionBuild an accordion component that a displays a list of vertically stacked sections with each containing a title and content snippet
    Available frameworks
  • Contact FormBuild a contact form which submits user feedback and contact details to a back end API
    Available frameworks
  • Holy GrailBuild the famous holy grail layout consisting of a header, 3 columns, and a footer
    Available frameworks
  • Progress BarsBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually when they are added to the page
    Available frameworks
  • Mortgage CalculatorBuild a calculator that computes the monthly mortgage for a loan
    Available frameworks
  • TabsBuild a tabs component that displays a list of tab elements and one associated panel of content at a time
    Available frameworks
  • Data TableBuild a users data table with pagination features
    Available frameworks
  • Dice RollerBuild a dice roller app that simulates the results of rolling 6-sided dice
    Available frameworks
  • File ExplorerBuild a file explorer component to navigate files and directories in a tree-like hierarchical viewer
    Available frameworks
  • Like ButtonBuild a Like button that changes appearance based on the states
    Available frameworks
  • Modal DialogBuild a reusable modal dialog component that can be opened and closed
    Available frameworks
  • Star RatingBuild a star rating component that shows a row of star icons for users to select the number of filled stars corresponding to the rating
    Available frameworks
  • Todo ListBuild a Todo list that lets users add new tasks and delete existing tasks
    Available frameworks
  • Traffic LightBuild a traffic light where the lights switch from green to yellow to red after predetermined intervals and loop indefinitely
    Available frameworks
  • Digital ClockBuild a 7-segment digital clock that shows the current time
    Available frameworks
  • Tic-tac-toeBuild a tic-tac-toe game that is playable by two players
    Available frameworks
  • Image CarouselBuild an image carousel that displays a sequence of images
    Available frameworks
  • Job BoardBuild a job board that displays the latest job postings from Hacker News
    Available frameworks
  • StopwatchBuild a stopwatch widget that can measure how much time has passed
    Available frameworks
  • Transfer ListBuild a component that allows transferring of items between two lists
    Available frameworks
  • Nested CheckboxesBuild a nested checkboxes component with parent-child selection logic
    Available frameworks
  • Flight BookerPremiumBuild a component that books a flight for specified dates
    Available frameworks
  • Generate TablePremiumGenerate a table of numbers given the rows and columns
    Available frameworks
  • Progress BarPremiumBuild a progress bar component that shows the percentage completion of an operation
    Available frameworks
  • Temperature ConverterPremiumBuild a temperature converter widget that converts temperature values between Celsius and Fahrenheit
    Available frameworks
  • TweetPremiumBuild a component that resembles a Tweet from Twitter
    Available frameworks
  • Accordion IIPremiumBuild an accessible accordion component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Accordion IIIPremiumBuild a fully accessible accordion component that has keyboard support according to ARIA specifications
    Available frameworks
  • Analog ClockPremiumBuild an analog clock where the hands update and move like a real clock
    Available frameworks
  • Data Table IIPremiumBuild a users data table with sorting features
    Available frameworks
  • File Explorer IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible file explorer component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • File Explorer IIIPremiumBuild a file explorer component using a flat DOM structure
    Available frameworks
  • Grid LightsPremiumBuild a grid of lights where the lights deactivate in the reverse order they were activated
    Available frameworks
  • Modal Dialog IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible modal dialog component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Modal Dialog IIIPremiumBuild a moderately-accessible modal dialog component that supports common ways to close the dialog
    Available frameworks
  • Progress Bars IIPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually in sequence, one at a time
    Available frameworks
  • Tabs IIPremiumBuild a semi-accessible tabs component that has the right ARIA roles, states, and properties
    Available frameworks
  • Tabs IIIPremiumBuild a fully accessible tabs component that has keyboard support according to ARIA specifications
    Available frameworks
  • Progress Bars IIIPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually concurrently, up to a limit of 3
    Available frameworks
  • Birth Year HistogramPremiumBuild a widget that fetches birth year data from an API and plot it on a histogram
    Available frameworks
  • Connect FourPremiumBuild a game for two players who take turns to drop colored discs from the top into a vertically suspended board/grid
    Available frameworks
  • Image Carousel IIPremiumBuild an image carousel that smoothly transitions between images
    Available frameworks
  • Pixel ArtPremiumBuild a pixel art drawing tool where users can paint pixels with selected colors
    Available frameworks
  • Undoable CounterPremiumBuild a counter with a history of the values and ability to undo/redo actions
    Available frameworks
  • Users DatabasePremiumBuild a UI to filter, create, update, and delete users
    Available frameworks
  • Whack-A-MolePremiumBuild a popular arcade game where players attempt to hit moles as they pop up from holes in a board
    Available frameworks
  • Memory GamePremiumBuild a memory game where the player needs to match pairs of cards
    Available frameworks
  • Auth Code InputPremiumBuild an auth code input component that allows users to enter a 6-digit authorization code
    Available frameworks
  • Progress Bars IVPremiumBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually concurrently, up to a limit of 3 and allows for pausing and resuming
    Available frameworks
  • Data Table IIIPremiumBuild a generalized data table with pagination and sorting features
    Available frameworks
  • Modal Dialog IVPremiumBuild a fully-accessible modal dialog component that supports all required keyboard interactions
    Available frameworks
  • Data Table IVPremiumBuild a generalized data table with pagination, sorting and filtering features
    Available frameworks
  • Image Carousel IIIPremiumBuild an image carousel that smoothly transitions between images that has a minimal DOM footprint
    Available frameworks
  • Selectable CellsPremiumBuild an interface where users can drag to select multiple cells within a grid
    Available frameworks
  • Tic-tac-toe IIPremiumBuild an N x N tic-tac-toe game that requires M consecutive marks to win
    Available frameworks
  • Transfer List IIPremiumBuild a component that allows transferring of items between two lists, bulk selection/unselection of items, and adding of new items
    Available frameworks
  • WordlePremiumBuild Wordle, the word-guessing game that took the world by storm
    Available frameworks

React Interview Questions and Answers

Are you tired of generic interview prep resources that barely scratch the surface of what it takes to master React? Look no further. Our React-specific interview questions and answers are your ultimate guide to becoming a confident and capable React developer.

Curated and answered by ex-FAANG interviewers with years of experience building React-based applications at scale, our collection ensures you're fully prepared for interviews. From core React concepts to advanced techniques, every question comes with detailed explanations, example solutions, and practical tips. Our in-browser coding workspace provides instant feedback, so you can refine your skills and understand exactly how to improve.

Our comprehensive resource is divided into two categories: React Coding Interview Questions and React Quiz Interview Questions, providing a holistic approach to your preparation.

React Coding Interview Questions

Master essential React development techniques and patterns with our curated list of coding interview questions. These challenges are designed to prepare you for:

  1. Component design and reusability: Build modular and reusable React components to create scalable applications.
  2. State and props management: Understand the nuances of managing state and props effectively to build dynamic user interfaces.
  3. React hooks: Leverage React Hooks like useState, useEffect, and custom hooks to simplify stateful logic and side effects.
  4. Performance optimization: Implement strategies like memoization, lazy loading, and code splitting to enhance application performance.
  5. Real-world scenarios: Address common challenges, such as form handling, API integrations, and dynamic rendering, with React best practices.

Each coding question includes:

  • Example solutions: Step-by-step implementations to guide you through solving the problem.
  • Automated test cases: Instantly validate your solutions, ensuring correctness and efficiency.
  • Best practices: Learn techniques to improve code readability, maintainability, and performance.

Our browser-based coding environment allows you to practice directly in React with no setup required. You can see the results of your code in real-time, making it easier to grasp key concepts.

Example coding questions include:

  • How to build a reusable dropdown component in React?
  • How to handle form validation with controlled components?
  • How to implement infinite scrolling in a React application?

These questions are designed to mirror real-world challenges, helping you build a robust understanding of React development.

React Quiz Interview Questions

React quiz questions focus on testing your knowledge of the framework's fundamentals and advanced features. These trivia-style questions cover:

  1. Core concepts: Explore key topics like JSX, the virtual DOM, and the component lifecycle.
  2. Hooks: Understand when and how to use hooks like useMemo, useReducer, and useContext.
  3. State management: Learn how to manage global state using Context API, Redux, or third-party libraries.
  4. Routing: Familiarize yourself with React Router and its features for building single-page applications.
  5. Testing: Understand the basics of testing React components with tools like Jest and React Testing Library.

Each quiz question includes:

  • Concise answers (TL;DR): Quick solutions to help you respond confidently during interviews.
  • Detailed explanations: Gain deeper insights to ensure you understand each concept and can articulate your answers clearly.

Example quiz topics include:

  • What is the difference between functional and class components in React?
  • How does React's reconciliation process work?
  • What are the benefits of using useMemo and React.memo for optimization?

These questions help you master the theoretical and practical aspects of React, giving you the confidence to handle any interview scenario.

Why Choose Our React Interview Questions?

  1. Credibility: All questions and answers are crafted by ex-FAANG engineers with years of experience in building large-scale React applications and interviewing top candidates.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: From fundamental concepts to advanced patterns, our resource covers every aspect of React development.
  3. Practical focus: Learn techniques directly applicable to real-world React projects, including dynamic rendering, state management, and performance tuning.
  4. Interactive learning: Use our in-browser coding workspace to practice React problems with instant feedback, simulating real interview conditions.

By leveraging this resource, you'll develop practical skills and theoretical knowledge that go beyond what's typically covered in React tutorials, making you a standout candidate for any React-based role.

How These Questions Help You Excel

Our React interview questions are structured to help you:

  1. Master React fundamentals: Strengthen your understanding of JSX, component architecture, and the React ecosystem.
  2. Develop a problem-solving mindset: Approach React challenges systematically, breaking them into manageable steps.
  3. Gain hands-on experience: Practice React-specific coding problems and see your solutions come to life in an interactive environment.
  4. Communicate effectively: Prepare to explain your code and thought process clearly, a crucial skill for technical interviews.

Real-World Applications

The scenarios covered in this resource aren't just theoretical. They reflect real-world challenges developers face when working with React, such as:

  • Building scalable and reusable components for complex user interfaces.
  • Managing global state effectively in large applications.
  • Debugging performance issues and optimizing render cycles.

By mastering these areas, you'll not only be interview-ready but also equipped to excel in skills for the job, making you a standout candidate for any front-end engineering role.

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