OpenAI Front End Interview Guide

OpenAI Front End Interview Guide

The one-stop to prepare well for your OpenAI front end interviews
14 known questions with solutions
Insider tips
Recommended resources

OpenAI's front end technical interviews tend to be more practical and relevant to company's product offerings. It is not necessary to grind traditional algorithms questions.

Interview process

The interview process can be split into two parts, the technical screen and the onsite/full loop. Front end engineer candidates can expect to have both coding and system design round within the screening stage.

Coding rounds

The coding questions tend to be practical and related to OpenAI's product offerings; it will not be hardcore LeetCode-style algorithm questions. CoderPad is used for the coding interviews.

  • Practical question on building a user interface: Build a small section of an existing OpenAI product using a JavaScript framework of your choice (e.g. streaming chat messages). Candidates may be given a UI mockup, some starter code, and can see a live preview of the UI they are building
  • Code refactoring exercise: Given some code, refactor and improve the quality. Study SOLID and clean code principles, e.g. single source of truth, remove duplicate state, remove state that can be computed, etc.

System design rounds

OpenAI's system design interviews questions are also related to OpenAI's product offerings. However, candidates should present a holistic full stack design instead of only focusing on the front end. The discussion will be carried out over Excalidraw.

Imagine you're an OpenAI engineer and have to build an MVP in 2 weeks, what components would the product/system need? First present a full stack architecture, then dive deep into the front end. Some points and questions to consider:

  • Product: Consider what you'd expect in an AI product. Non-exhaustive list of possible products – streaming chat interfaces, inline editing (ChatGPT canvas), voice input, browser agents (ChatGPT operator)
  • Full stack design: Design a full stack architecture for the product. You do not need to know the intricate technical details of the back end components, but you should be aware of basic distributed system components (e.g. servers, databases, CDNs, caches, message queues), what they do, and when to use them
  • AI models: For the most parts, AI models can be treated as a black box. However, you should be aware of the features, limitations, common parameters, of AI models. Having basic prompt engineering knowledge would also be useful
  • Network communication: How clients and servers should communicate – Long polling, WebSockets, Server-side streaming, WebTRC. Which protocols or approaches to use for certain features
  • API design: Design the back end APIs needed by the product – the routes, the parameters, the responses. Decide between API approaches – RESTful vs GraphQL
  • Front end client design: Various rendering approaches: SSR vs CSR vs SSG, etc., state management and design, networking, performance, accessibility, user experience, etc. Refer to GreatFrontEnd's Front End System Design Playbook
  • Best practices: Developing AI apps involve some best practices that aren't commonly see in typical apps such as prompt engineering, dealing with request latency, optimizing for accuracy, etc. OpenAI has published a set of Best Practices
  • User experience: Beyond the usual established user experience practices, AI products have certain characteristics that require special attention when related to user experience. Check out Tiger Abrodi's article on Principles for building great AI interfaces

Recommended preparation strategy

  1. OpenAI products: Firstly, be familiar with the various product offerings by OpenAI
    • ChatGPT: Streaming AI chat interface with rich results, voice input, image generation. Read GreatFrontEnd's Chat App system design solution
      • Search: Use ChatGPT to get fast, timely answers with links to relevant web sources, similar to Perplexity
      • Canvas: An alternative interface of working with ChatGPT to write and code, optimized for editing and revising content. Read GreatFrontEnd's Rich Text Editor and Google Docs system design solutions
    • Operator: Agent that can use its own browser to perform tasks for you
    • Deep Research: Agent that uses reasoning to synthesize large amounts of online information and complete multi-step research tasks for you
    • OpenAI Playground: Interactive web-based tool that allows users to experiment with and test OpenAI’s language models by inputting prompts and receiving AI-generated responses in real-time
    • Sora: Tool to generate videos from prompts using OpenAI's Sora model
  2. Research: Consider how you would build OpenAI's products
    1. Try out OpenAI's developer APIs. Understand the capabilities, parameters, responses. Experiment with the APIs in the developer playground
    2. Look up open source examples of the products on GitHub and study the code
    3. Analyze the technical and UX decisions made
  3. Practice: Practice interview questions on GreatFrontEnd

Official guides

Refer to OpenAI's official interview guide.

Known OpenAI front end interview questions

  • Contact FormBuild a contact form which submits user feedback and contact details to a back end API
    Available frameworks
  • Flight BookerPremiumBuild a component that books a flight for specified dates
    Available frameworks
  • Job BoardBuild a job board that displays the latest job postings from Hacker News
    Available frameworks
  • Like ButtonBuild a Like button that changes appearance based on the states
    Available frameworks

OpenAI Front End Interview Preparation Guide

Need a comprehensive resource to prepare for your OpenAI front end interviews? This all-in-one guide provides you with everything you need to ace them.

Find official information on OpenAI's front end interview process, learn exclusive insider tips and recommended preparation strategies, and practice questions known to be tested.

Recommended preparation strategy

We provide a recommended strategy that guides you through the interview preparation process. Start by reading official preparation guides, then practice actual questions that are known to be tested in OpenAI's interviews. Finally, broaden your study to cover all relevant topics. Our guide ensures you are systematically prepared for every stage of the OpenAI front-end interview.

OpenAI's front end interview process

We've consolidated some of the official information from OpenAI about their interview process and recommended preparation strategies. Go through them prior to anything else to familiarize yourself with the evaluation criteria and focus areas.

Insider tips from our network

Gain valuable insights from our network of OpenAI interviewers. Learn what to focus on in your preparation to gain the most mileage in any preparation window.

You can study and practice these topics directly on our platform. We provide an in-browser coding workspace and a large bank of practice questions, solutions and test cases written by big tech ex-interviewers.

Practice OpenAI front end interview questions

The fastest way to prepare for any interview is to practice questions known to be tested at the company. Our guide includes a collection of 14 known questions to be tested in OpenAI front end interviews, with topics such as Accessibility, Networking, Async, UI component, Performance. Practice with these real interview questions to familiarize yourself with the difficulty and types of questions you might face interviews.