Front end interviews cover such a vast range of possible topics that it can be hard to wrap your head around. In an ideal world, you should start with the topics that are most likely to come up and where you're weakest.
To make your preparation more focused, we have meticulously organized the entire front end interview domain into 10 critical focus areas. These bite-sized lists of practice questions are designed to help you deep-dive into the key topics that are most frequently tested in front end interviews.
1. Quality materials by credible engineers: All the materials on the platform—including every question, solution, test case, and focus area—have been written and curated by big tech ex-interviewers who have conducted numerous interviews at top tech companies. We strive in every piece to deliver streamlined, high quality content.
2. Deep dive into essential topics: Our focus areas provide in-depth coverage of the 10 most critical topics for front end interviews. These include everything from JavaScript engineering to UI development and computer science foundations.
3. Streamlined preparation: By breaking down the front end domain into manageable sections, our focus areas simplify your preparation process. You can prioritize the topics where you're weaker first and then tackle the other areas if time permits.
4. Mock interview environment: Practice makes perfect, and it doesn't have to be a hassle. Our platform allows you to code directly in your browser. Moreover, our coding workspace is built to be a realistic environment that closely replicates actual interview conditions. This setup helps you get accustomed to the tools and situations you'll face in your interviews.
5. Official solutions and tests for every question: Each practice question within our focus areas comes with official solutions and tests. These solutions are crafted by experienced engineers and are designed to provide clear, detailed explanations that help you understand the best approach to each problem.