
GFE 75

Most important 75 questions for front end interviews.
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The smallest list of practice questions that gets you the most mileage in your preparation. Covers the most commonly asked front end interview topics.Created with the expertise of senior to staff front end interviewers from some of the top companies in the world.



  • DebounceImplement a function to limit how many times a function can be executed by delaying the execution of the function until after a specified time after its last execution attempt
  • Array.prototype.reduceImplement the Array.prototype.reduce() method
  • ClassnamesImplement a function that conditionally joins CSS class names together
  • FlattenImplement a function that recursively flattens an array into a single level deep
  • ThrottleImplement a function to control the execution of a function by limiting how many times it can execute over time
  • Todo ListBuild a Todo list that lets users add new tasks and delete existing tasks
    Available frameworks
  • Contact FormBuild a contact form which submits user feedback and contact details to a back end API
    Available frameworks
  • Holy GrailBuild the famous holy grail layout consisting of a header, 3 columns, and a footer
    Available frameworks
  • TabsBuild a tabs component that displays a list of tab elements and one associated panel of content at a time
    Available frameworks
  • Job BoardBuild a job board that displays the latest job postings from Hacker News
    Available frameworks
  • AccordionBuild an accordion component that a displays a list of vertically stacked sections with each containing a title and content snippet
    Available frameworks
  • News Feed (e.g. Facebook)Design a news feed user interface similar to Facebook and Twitter
  • AutocompleteDesign an autocomplete component seen on Google and Facebook search
    AccessibilityUI component
  • Type Utilities IIImplement utilities to determine non-primitive variable types in JavaScript
  • Promise.allImplement the Promise.all() function that resolves to an array of results if all the input elements are resolved or rejects otherwise
  • Data MergingImplement a function to merge rows of data from the same user
  • Deep CloneImplement a function that performs a deep copy of a value
  • Event EmitterImplement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions
  • getElementsByStyleImplement a function to get all DOM elements that are rendered using the specified style
  • Function.prototype.callImplement the function that calls the function with a given `this` value and provided arguments
  • List FormatImplement a function that formats a list of items into a single readable string
  • Map Async LimitImplement a function that maps an array of items with an asynchronous mapping function while not exceeding the concurrency limit
  • Deep EqualImplement a function that determines if two values are equal
  • Promise.anyImplement the Promise.any() function that resolves when any of the input elements are resolved
  • Deep OmitImplement a function that removes specified keys and their corresponding values from an object, including nested objects or arrays
  • PromisifyImplement a function that takes a function following the common error-first callback style and returns a version that returns promises
  • MemoizeImplement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts a single argument
  • Squash ObjectImplement a function that returns a new object after squashing the input object into a single level of depth
  • getElementsByClassNameImplement a function to get all DOM elements that contain the specified classes
  • 解释“(变量)提升”
  • 什么是闭包? 你如何/为何使用?
  • 描述事件冒泡过程
    Web APIsJavaScript
  • 解释事件委托
    Web APIsJavaScript
  • 什么是事件循环?
  • 使用Promise而不是回调的利弊是什么?
  • 在设计或开发多语言站点时你必须注意什么事?
  • CurryImplement a function that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that can be repeatedly called with only one argument at a time
  • HTML SerializerImplement a function to serialize an object into an HTML string with indentation
  • JSON.stringifyImplement a function that converts a JavaScript value into a JSON string
  • Star RatingBuild a star rating component that shows a row of star icons for users to select the number of filled stars corresponding to the rating
    Available frameworks
  • Image CarouselBuild an image carousel that displays a sequence of images
    Available frameworks
  • Progress BarsBuild a list of progress bars that fill up gradually when they are added to the page
    Available frameworks
  • Like ButtonBuild a Like button that changes appearance based on the states
    Available frameworks
  • Traffic LightBuild a traffic light where the lights switch from green to yellow to red after predetermined intervals and loop indefinitely
    Available frameworks
  • Digital ClockBuild a 7-segment digital clock that shows the current time
    Available frameworks
  • StopwatchBuild a stopwatch widget that can measure how much time has passed
    Available frameworks
  • File ExplorerBuild a file explorer component to navigate files and directories in a tree-like hierarchical viewer
    Available frameworks
  • Tic-tac-toeBuild a tic-tac-toe game that is playable by two players
    Available frameworks
  • Transfer ListBuild a component that allows transferring of items between two lists
    Available frameworks
  • Nested CheckboxesBuild a nested checkboxes component with parent-child selection logic
    Available frameworks
  • Modal DialogBuild a reusable modal dialog component that can be opened and closed
    Available frameworks
  • Data TableBuild a users data table with pagination features
    Available frameworks
  • Image CarouselPremiumDesign a horizontally-scrolling image carousel component
    AccessibilityPerformanceUI component
  • Modal DialogPremiumDesign a modal/dialog component that shows a window overlaying the contents on the page
    AccessibilityUI component
  • Video Streaming (e.g. Netflix)PremiumDesign a video streaming application like Netflix and YouTube
  • Google DocsPremiumDesign a collaborative editor like Google Docs and Notion

GFE 75 - Blind 75 for Front End Interviews

Looking for the most important front end interview questions to practice, with answers and test cases?

Try GFE 75—a list of 75 most important front end interview questions curated by big tech ex-interviewers to give you the most mileage for your time. These questions were chosen such that there is sufficient repetition and coverage of key topics and patterns.

Furthermore, each question in the list has been solved by experienced engineers, providing solutions / answers in multiple frameworks and languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, Angular, Svelte where applicable.

The coding workspace integrated into GFE 75 allows you to practice directly in your browser, simulating the actual conditions you'll face in a real interview.

To quickly tell if your answers meet the expectation criteria, you're also able to run your code against our automated test cases, which were again written by ex-interviewers to reflect the real demands of the interview process.

Topics covered by GFE 75 include:

  • Browser and language polyfills
  • Async operations
  • Accessibility
  • Higher order functions
  • DOM APIs
  • Common JS utility functions
  • HTML, CSS, JS fundamentals
  • Forms
  • Component design
  • State design
  • Networking