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Build real world projects to learn and showcase

A platform to build high quality project challenges with beautiful & modular designs, guided by ex-FAANG senior engineers and an active community
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80% of challenges are free to do
Account Settings Section
+300 rep
Account Settings SectionBuild a responsive account settings interface that allows users to update avatar and account information
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Billing Plans Section
Billing Plans SectionBuild a billing plans section that incorporates functions for managing subscription plans, including the ability to subscribe, upgrade, and downgrade plans
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Blog Card
+100 rep
Blog CardBuild a simple blog card displaying details of a blog article
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Button Component
+100 rep
Button ComponentBuild a button component capable of showing different states, sizes and icon configurations
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Badge Component
+100 rep
Badge ComponentBuild a badge component that can be used for displaying numbers and short text
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404 Section
+100 rep
404 SectionBuild a responsive and minimal 404 section to indicate that a requested page was not found
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Billing History Section
+300 rep
Billing History SectionBuild a responsive payment history section that allows users to view and download their past invoice details
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Chat AI
Chat AIDevelop a responsive web application to interact with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, providing an interactive chat interface where users can send messages and receive responses from an AI
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Billing Information Section
+300 rep
Billing Information SectionBuild a responsive billing information section that allows users to update their payment method, email, and address details securely
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Checkbox Component
+100 rep
Checkbox ComponentBuild a checkbox component for selecting multiple options
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Checkout Section
Checkout SectionBuild a fully functional and responsive single-page checkout section including all standard checkout functions
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About Us Page
+300 rep
About Us PageBuild a page to display information about a company
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Build projects to learn any front end skill using our Skills roadmap
Every project is part of reusable component libraries for your future projects
Guides & solutions from Sr. Engineers and code reviews from community

How it works

  1. Choose and start a project
  2. We'll provide all the assets that you need - starter code, professional design, API specs, etc.
  3. Build the project guided by us - refer to official guides, solutions, reference other user's submissions, and discuss with the community
  4. Submit your project - host your project on any service and submit your Github repo and site url
  5. Get feedback and code reviews from the community
For learning

We help you learn through building - without tutorial hell

  • Learn by building real world projects for professionals

    Our projects are designed with real world specs meant for professionals, allowing you to hit the ground running with whatever you learn while building them.
    • Requirement specs by product managers
    • Designs by UI/UX designers
  • We provide everything you need - just start building!

    Everything else apart from the actual technical execution has been prepared for you. Just click "Start project", and we will take care of everything else.
    • Images, style guides, design files
    • HTML pre-written content
    • Starter files and APIs
  • Get the right practical foundation from the get-go

    All our challenges come with at least 1 official solution (coming soon) and step-by-step guide from senior big tech engineers. Learn best practices as early as possible.
    • Official solutions
    • Practical guides
    • Written by ex-FAANG senior devs
  • Train any front end skill from beginner to advanced

    Our Skills Roadmap tells you the exact projects to build to train the skill you need - whether you are a complete beginner or senior engineer filling a skill gap.
    • Holistic front end skill roadmap
    • Suggests best projects for skill
    • Curated learning resources
  • Gamify your learning and track your progress

    Don't worry about losing steam. Track your progress and level up as you learn and grow.
    • Reputation and leveling system
    • Earn reputation points for productive tasks
    • Progress tracking dashboard
  • Learn together with like-minded others

    Our platform was built to support community-driven development. From project discussion to code reviews and approach sharing, you will never feel alone in your learning.
    • Reference others' approaches
    • Review other's code on-platform
    • Clarify doubts in forums
For learning

Our projects are designed to make for an impressive portfolio, even for seniors

  • Beautiful designs made by high-end designers

    Every project challenge was designed by senior UI/UX designers with perfect spacing units and design rules, so that your portfolio projects will always look professional.
  • Build personalized projects, instead of the same as everyone else

    Unlike other challenge platforms, all our projects are modular with one other as they are constructed with the same design system. Easily mix and match any component or project you build to craft a unique app.
  • Impress recruiters with component libraries and designs systems

    Our Component Tracks allow you to build entire design systems or component libraries from scratch – including very practical ones like Marketing, E-Commerce and Web Applications.
Useful into the future

Each project you build adds to your permanent toolkit

Our projects are never one-off - they always fit into some component library or design system with other projects. Any projects you build can be composed to build future projects, forming an ever-growing toolkit for your future.

Never waste your time building one-off projects again!