Browse all challenges Start building any project you can dream of to train your front end / full stack skills or to build a useful toolkit. Testimonial Card Build a simple user testimonial card with key testimonial elements
Blog Card Build a simple blog card displaying details of a blog article
Profile Card Build a simple profile card featuring a user's basic information and links to their social media profiles
Button Component Build a button component capable of showing different states, sizes and icon configurations
Newsletter Section Build a responsive newsletter subscription section with both client-side and server-side validation
Cookie Consent Build a responsive cookie banner and preferences dialog backed by a cookie consent management system
Product Details Page Build a responsive and user-friendly page that highlights product features, images and allow customers to add them to the cart
Shopping Cart Section Build a fully functional and responsive shopping cart section including all standard cart functions
Badge Component Build a badge component that can be used for displaying numbers and short text
404 Section Build a responsive and minimal 404 section to indicate that a requested page was not found
Account Settings Section Build a responsive account settings interface that allows users to update avatar and account information
Billing History Section Build a responsive payment history section that allows users to view and download their past invoice details
Billing Information Section Build a responsive billing information section that allows users to update their payment method, email, and address details securely
Billing Plans Section Build a billing plans section that incorporates functions for managing subscription plans, including the ability to subscribe, upgrade, and downgrade plans
Showing 18 out of 66 challenges 1